Monday, March 21, 2011


Sometimes Cole can say the cutest things. We had went to the store and got some food and of course I was told that the apples were a must. We got home and put everything away and Cole was then ready for his apple. I had got a apple corer for the wedding and not used it yet. So cole is in the kitchen just watching everthing I am doing and as I was getting ready to cut it he was asking alot of ?'s... Right as i am done cutting it he looks at me and is so serious and say's "Well... That was just awsome!?!" It was so cute and funny at the same time!

Disney On Ice

We went down to SLC last week end to see Disney on ice. Cole was more excited to play with his toys in the car then anything. I am also a little rough at taken pictures cuz all I have are of what we saw not any of us there.

Princess and the Frog

This was coles favorit part when Buz and Woody were came out but it was pretty close to the end. Skylar kept saying stuff to Cole and Cole kept putting his hand over his mouth and saying Shhhhhh... He must of had enough and said, "Dad will you just be quiet and watch!"